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Армейские кровати, кровати трехъярусные металлические, оптом кровати.
13-02-2025 05:46 Цена: 18 USD $
Продам, предлагаю: Мебель, интерьер, Казахстан, Степногорск ... Подробнее ...
Наша компания реализует качественную и не дорогую мебель: - кровати для санаториев, пансионатов, больниц, интернатов - кровати для бюджетных гостиниц, общежитий (студентов), - кровати для рабочих, строителей, ремонтных бригад - кровати для военных казарм (армейские кровати) В нашем ассортименте так же имеются: тумбы прикроватные, шкафы металлические и из ЛДСП, табуреты, стулья, столы обеденные, школьная мебель.
Ultra Clear Blue Crosshair Laser Module
28-08-2024 10:33 Цена: 49 тенге 〒
Продам, предлагаю: Машиностроение, судостроение, Казахстан, Степногорск ... Подробнее ...
In order to get ideal cross line alignment at long work distance, none of manual or mechanical cross line alignment tool can be comparable with a blue crosshair laser module. Employed by an import 445nm blue laser diode and thermal emitting system inside a high duration metal housing tube, it gets high level of laser beam stability, low production cost, and long lasting blue cross line source emission within long lasting work time of 8 to 10 hours per day.
Good Direction Blue Dot Laser Module
27-08-2024 12:32 Цена: 49 USD $
Продам, предлагаю: Овоще-бахчевые культуры, Казахстан, Степногорск ... Подробнее ...
Not the same as a simple blue laser pointer, the real use of a blue dot laser module just makes long lasting and long distance dot indication from laser beam aperture. It gets unique use of an import blue laser diode and thermal emitting system inside a durable metal housing tube, it enables freely installed distance of 3 meters, quick and easy reaching of blue dot projection in distance.
Highly Clear Blue Dot Laser Module
26-08-2024 11:02 Цена: 49 USD $
Продам, предлагаю: Медицинское оборудование, Казахстан, Степногорск ... Подробнее ...
When dot alignment work is processing at longer distance than formal hand reaching, it makes a good job with a direct diode emission made Berlinlasers blue dot laser module. Cooperating with an import 445nm blue laser diode and thermal emitting system inside a durable metal housing tube, it enables easy carrying, good thermal emitting and ultra stable blue dot alignment in long lasting use.
Easy Used 445nm Blue Dot Laser Module
26-08-2024 11:00 Цена: 49 USD $
Продам, предлагаю: Зерновые культуры, Казахстан, Степногорск ... Подробнее ...
In those of industrial machinery processing works, once dot alignment is processing at long distance and multiple lighting occasion, it just makes a good job with a high density beam emitting tool of a 445nm blue dot laser module. Being made with an import laser diode within 50mW to 100mW and thermal emitting system inside a durable metal housing tube, it enables quite easy carrying, good thermal stabilization and ultra clear blue dot projection in constant use.
Ultra Clear Uniform 532nm Green Line Laser Module
22-08-2024 10:07 Цена: 49 USD $
Продам, предлагаю: Животноводство, мясо-молочная продукция, Казахстан, Степногорск ... Подробнее ...
In order to make highly clear and fine line alignment at different work distances, it makes good job with a uniform beam 532nm green line laser module. Being made with advanced 532nm green DPSS laser within 5mW to 100mW, after getting low laser beam divergence of less than 1mrad and special Tem00 laser beam mode, it enables highly visible green laser beam emission and ultra fine green line alignment in continuous use.
Ultra Bright 515nm Green Laser Line Generator
20-08-2024 13:01 Цена: 49 USD $
Продам, предлагаю: Садоводство, виноградарство, Казахстан, Степногорск ... Подробнее ...
In order to get ideal line aligning accuracy in distance, it makes a good job with a 515nm green laser line generator. Being made with a qualified glass coated lens within 10 to 110 degree and glass window inside a high duration metal housing tube, it is working well with ultra fine and straight green line projection within 0.
The Finest Uniform Beam 445nm Blue Line Laser Module
13-08-2024 11:24 Цена: 49 USD $
Продам, предлагаю: Лесная и деревообрабатывающая промышленность, Казахстан, Степногорск ... Подробнее ...
In order to make the clearest line indication at long extending distance, it just makes an easy job with a uniform beam 445nm blue line laser module. Being made with an import 445nm blue laser diode and qualified separate crystal lens within 10 to 93 degree, it enables non Gaussian beam emission and high uniformity blue line projection within 0.
5mW to 100mW 532nm Green Laser Diode Module
30-07-2024 11:48 Цена: 49 USD $
Продам, предлагаю: Лесная и деревообрабатывающая промышленность, Казахстан, Степногорск ... Подробнее ...
Either dot measuring work is processing at close or long distance, it makes a good job with a Berlinlasers 532nm green laser diode module within 5mW to 100mW. Employed by advanced 532nm green DPSS laser tech and a qualified glass coated lens inside a 16mm and 26mm diameter metal housing tube, it enables easy carrying, good thermal emitting and increasing stability green laser beam emission.
How to Make Easy Use of DC Power 445nm Blue Line Laser Alignment?
03-07-2024 12:22 Цена: 49 тенге 〒
Продам, предлагаю: Лесная и деревообрабатывающая промышленность, Казахстан, Степногорск ... Подробнее ...
Different from any prior line drawing or printing work, it would be a much better experience to operate a DC power supply made 445nm blue line laser alignment. Without any limited by long distance or high height, it enables easy reaching and quick response blue line projection at long extending distance.
What is the best job of 532nm green line laser module
20-11-2023 13:26 Цена: 45 USD $
Продам, предлагаю: Машиностроение, судостроение, Казахстан, Степногорск ... Подробнее ...
When line aligning work is processing at various work distances and multiple lighting occasions, unless the use of prior line drawing work, it just makes a better job to operate a Berlinlasers 532nm green line laser module within 5mW to 100mW. The genuine use of a qualified glass coated lens enables high linear quality and highly fine green line projection within 0.
Highly Clear 515nm Green Laser Diode Module
14-03-2023 10:43 Цена: 55 USD $
Продам, предлагаю: Медицинское оборудование, Казахстан, Степногорск ... Подробнее ...
In various industrial and high tech precise dot measuring work fields, not limited by long distance or high height, it makes good job to operate a Berlinlasers 515nm green laser diode module. It makes advanced use of a metal heat sink and import 515nm green laser diode. Only after its easy use of 5V, 9V 1000mA DC power supply, it assures constant forest green laser beam emission and highly stable green dot projection in continuous use.
12Х18Н10Т, труба, лист, отвод, фланец, сетка
23-02-2023 12:12 Цена: 5 000 тенге 〒
Продам, предлагаю: Металлургия, нефтепродукты, сырье, Казахстан, Степногорск ... Подробнее ...
ТОО «Мир нержавеющей стали» Ведущий поставщик нержавеющего металлопроката мировых производителей на территории РК. Основными критериями компании является, качественная продукция и приемлемые цены.
Glass Coated Lens 635nm Red Laser Line Generator
19-01-2023 12:06 Цена: 50 USD $
Продам, предлагаю: Легкая промышленность, Казахстан, Степногорск ... Подробнее ...
In order to make clear and fine enough line alignment at various work distance, in those of industrial and high tech precise line alignment work fields, it is operating easy and quick with a Berlinlasers 635nm red laser line generator. It projects at least 3 times brighter red laser light than formal 650nm red laser.
Berlinlasers 5mW to 50mW 520nm Green Laser Diode Modules
20-07-2022 12:02 Цена: 45 USD $
Продам, предлагаю: Машиностроение, судостроение, Казахстан, Степногорск ... Подробнее ...
In order to get clear dot alignment at various work distances, not the same as a simple green laser pointer, it makes even better job with Berlinlasers 5mW to 50mW 520nm green laser diode module. It generates intense green laser beam directly from a 520nm green laser diode. Equipping with qualified glass coated lens and 5V, 9V 1000mA AC/DC adapter, only after correct use of output power and easy adjustment of both green dot diameter and emitting direction, this green dot laser makes sure of low price and good stability dot alignment in long lasting use perfectly.
Прихожую и уголок в отличном состоянии
09-05-2022 10:08 Цена: 50 000 тенге 〒
Продам, предлагаю: Мебель, интерьер, Казахстан, Степногорск ... Подробнее ...
Продам прихожую в отличном состоянии..
Всего: 16
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